I hope this works!
An attempt to post some profile information has been made. I'm not sure if anything is going to happen though.
Full force into the digital age...
Such excitement abounds! Twenty years old, finally making a stab at having a electronic-media say for myself. Why ever haven't I done this before, you ask? I am admittedly computer illiterate. Not really by choice, mainly the lack of hours to tinker the neccessary clicks, scrolls, and blatantly empty fields. All this shall change, though be forewarned techno-savvy individuals. You'll be sorely dissappointed on a quest for anything on the cutting edge of graphic advances. Remember, I'm so painfully antiquated that typing progresses at a dirge-like pace and I actually prefer the romanticism of handwritten pages. So bear with me, you will know I have become entirely capable in my surroundings when I actually finnaggle a way to post with my handwriting as a font!